Three benefits of facials every man should know about
4 August 2021
21 years of Beauté and Be
1 October 2021This lockdown thing seemed a lot easier last year!
Let’s go back to the day we went into lockdown.
My day started with a phone call from Erin, who noticed as she arrived at the salon that morning our doors and locks had been tampered with; one lock completely torn off. We had had an attempted break-in sometime from when we left the night before to when Erin arrived that morning.
As soon as I arrived at the salon I ran around informing everyone in the centre and to see if there was any video footage – believe it or not….nothing!
Next step – get on to the Police. By this time my first beautiful client, Lynne had arrived. Her treatment was disturbed by me having to provide the police with personal information – Erin was handling the rest.
I came out of the treatment room to take the call and noticed my phone was going crazy with messages, these included:
“thinking with lockdown from 5 I’ll cancel! LOL!” “Hi Lovely. I’m sure you’re getting smashed but can I please re-book my appointment for as soon as you can do it? I was booked in for next Tuesday”
What was going on?? Erin and I had heard nothing. This was 11.30 that same morning.
“Erin, can you find out what’s going on???!!”
Seconds later it was confirmed, we were going into lockdown for a week at 5pm that day, Thursday 5th August 2021.
Erin got on the phone to all our clients booked in for the next week and managed to contact as many as we could, and to those who wanted to come in that day.
Don’t forget, we were still waiting on the Police to come and fingerprint!
Poor Lynne, she had a very disruptive hour at Beaute, but she and the other clients coming in were very happy they booked that day as they would at least get through the next week in lockdown, and be back in time for their next appointment.
Erin too was happy it was only a week, as she was creeping in on her maternity leave; she was finishing on 4th September which still have her a few weeks left in the salon to do the last treatments with her clients, and would give our clients the opportunity to wish her well.
That was over FOUR weeks ago!
Erin is now officially on Maternity leave, finishing last Saturday without her beautiful sister as her last client and without us having a farewell baby lunch to send her off and a last official day at Beaute.
I had been speaking with a colleague days before lockdown saying I felt like I needed a week off to just do nothing you know. This certainly wasn’t what I had in mind! I did have a week booked out at the end of August for Greg to whisk me away on a lovely little holiday, somewhere sunny up north – well, no such luck!
So…. now I’ve had almost FIVE weeks off doing nothing, although I still have that long list of jobs from last lockdown I could be finishing, well starting really.
The first two weeks were great, sleep ins, resting up, lots and lots of Reiki and beautiful walks around the beach, But now I am missing all of my clients, more like friends at Beaute and can’t wait until we can catch up again in the salon…… and not talk about lockdowns, COVID or the jab! PLEEEZE
PS: We have new doors at Beaute. We are still working on final touches, so if you are out and about for your exercise, go check them out and let us know what you think.