Why Sugaring Is The New Waxing
5 January 2021
More than skin deep
2 March 2021Can you believe that a conversation with my chiropractor and a trip to a Nun’s Retreat is in fact the origin story of my Reiki journey? Seriously! To get the full story, we need to rewind to 2007 (minus the hipster jeans, please).
I had owned the salon for seven years at this point and I had a staff member working for me who practiced Reiki. At the time I had no idea what Reiki was or its benefits so I insisted on finding out before she could practice it in the salon.
One afternoon, when visiting my chiropractor, I was talking about my staff member and posing questions about this ‘Reiki’ she spoke of.
“My friend is actually teaching Reiki this weekend” my Chiropractor said before giving me the contact number. I called the Reiki Master and to my surprise, she had a space available for her weekend seminar and asked if I would like to fill it. Spoiler alert: I said yes.
Now, this is where things get a little unusual. The Reiki seminar was being held at a local Nun’s Retreat! This seemed strange to me and frankly, a little concerning considering visiting a place of God wasn’t exactly a regular activity of mine. Nevertheless, I packed my bag and headed off to the first degree seminar to learn this new modality for our salon clients, or so I thought!
Over the weekend, my life changed and my expectations of what I would gain from this seminar surpassed in every way I could imagine. Like a spark ignited from within or a compass that found its true north, the loneliness I had felt within me was shifting. I felt like I was healing, like I had found my home.
When I returned to the salon on the Monday, I had to tell everyone and anyone about the experience I had felt and the shift in my entire presence. When my master held their next seminar, I enrolled my son and husband so they too could experience this transformation.
For my son who was 10 at the time, his confidence went from strength to strength. Like a flower that finally had the power to bloom, my son’s teachers even commented on his unrecognisable presence. For me, my journey with Reiki had only just started.
Learning the second degree of Reiki simply blew me away. I had been given these tools to harness and I couldn’t wait to share with everyone I cared for. This led me to asking my Master to hold a seminar for my Beaute team. Today, all therapists working at Beaute are initiated to Reiki and it has truly steered the direction of our business and the experience you all know and love.
Over time, we held more seminars in the salon with our clients and their friends attending. I continued to see these life changing miracles happen around me and the positivity that was injected in these people’s lives. I will never forget the shift in energy and the changed expression on people’s faces when they stepped into the seminar versus when they left. It blows me away every single time!
When my daughter turned seven in 2009, I knew it was time for her to be attuned to Reiki. At the time, our seminars had become quite popular and many parents wanted their children to attend. This was the launch of a magical Children’s Seminar where they laughed, danced and discovered the power to heal themselves. From here, I travelled across the country and the globe with my Master to host more Reiki seminars.
Having afternoon tea one day following a Queensland conference, Robyn, my Reiki Master, turned to me and said, “you know you are being groomed as a Reiki Master, don’t you?”. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t! I was doing what I was doing for the love of Reiki and being able to play a role in life changing transformations. Little did I know that Robyn was absolutely correct.
Whilst visiting family in America, I realised I was nearby one of Hawaya Takata’s Masters and Master in the Office of the Grand Master Paul Mitchell, so I decided to pay him a visit. During my visit we discussed my profound journey with Reiki, and I had a treatment with him. This conversation drove towards me becoming a Reiki Master. His words to me were “let down your resistance” and the rest was history.
Reiki Master training well and truly kicked in. I was still coordinating many of the Reiki seminars, but my own development was in full swing. Pushed to my limits and challenged left, right and centre, I knew how difficult this period was and would be worth it. Becoming a Reiki Master required incredible commitment, but its rewards were returned tenfold.
It’s now 2012 and my initiation date was creeping up, both Robyn and I could feel it. The very next seminar we held, we both arrived grinning ear to ear.
“You’ll never guess what just happened”, I said to Robyn. “You’ll never guess what I just got a message about”, Robyn replied.
We both had received a message of where and when I was to be initiated as a Master. So, on April 13th 2013 at Sunrise, at Bar Beach, I was initiated as a Master in the Usui System of Natural healing, Usui Shiki Ryoho.
Now, anyone that knows me knows I am NOT a morning person, so this must have been a pretty special event to get me out of bed in the dark!
Since becoming a Reiki Master I have continued to hold both first-and second-degree seminars and continued to love Reiki more and more. Over the years, I have connected with other Reiki Masters from around the globe and even travelled to the UK to spend a week with the Usui Shiki Ryoho Grand Master, Phyllis Furumoto. This was without a doubt a highlight in my Reiki Journey.
Fast forward to 2021 and a lot has happened since that trip to the Nun’s Retreat in 2007! I joined Reiki Australia as a practitioner and shortly after as the Chair of the Board. I held this position for three and a half years before stepping sideways and taking on the position of Financial Director.
Interviewed and accepted into the Reiki Alliance, an international association for Usui Shiki Ryoho Masters, I continue to honour the traditional practice of Reiki on a global scale.
Now, I ask you. When are you going to join me and learn the art of Reiki? My first-degree Reiki Seminars are launching soon, and I would love for you to be a part of it. If you’re ready to shift the energy of 2020 and everything that’s weighing you down, it’s time to heal with Reiki.