30 March 2021
Eye See You
3 June 2021Natasha
I was sorting through some boxes (as you do when your whole house has been pulled apart during renovation) and came across a photo of my Grandmother (Mama) and I. It brought back some wonderful memories of the time we spent together, the hours she helped me when I was too busy to even do my washing or scratch my own back! Then, I found a photo of my beautiful Echoe when she was a baby, more specifically a baby ballerina and it brought a tear to my eye.
I was also blessed to have an amazing Mum, who has always been so supportive and was a lifeline to help with the kids so I could continue my dream of owning Beaute. I am sure most of my clients remember Mum bringing Echoe in for her feeds and then Echoe having a nap in the sunbed room!
Our babies grow up and become caring and wonderful women. I’ve cherished the days, months and years watching this girl mature into the beautiful woman she is today, with her own mind, her own challenges and future ahead of her. To bring me back to reality, this morning Echoe, just out of the blue, asked “Mum, what do you want for Mother’s Day?” I loved how she was thinking of me when most kids these days are a tad wrapped up in their own little worlds.
I responded by saying “I don’t really need much, and I’d be happy with whatever you give me Echoe.” Probably doesn’t help her, but hey – she can work it out. It’s always a bonus having a daughter with good taste so she can now do the gift shopping. Sorry Greg, you tried your best!
On the other hand, I asked my Son, Jaeger, will you be home for next weekend? And of course, he has a concert and party plans (he does take after his Mum). I reminded him that it was Mother’s Day, and his response was “it’s not on my calendar”!
Jaeger is 23 now and embarking on his own life, just completing his Criminology degree and I couldn’t be more proud. I still remember the day we packed the truck for him to move to Sydney and he drove away. I felt like my heart had been ripped out, but I was so happy for him at the same time. Long gone were the days of us lying in bed in the morning and watching the Teletubbies although he still likes to get dressed up as one!
Being a Mother is simultaneously the hardest and best thing ever. The “oh shit” moment when you see the positive lines on the pregnancy test and then the complete love and joy you feel for that precious baby right away.
There’s truly no better time to celebrate Mums in all their wonderful forms than Mother’s Day. Sharing beautiful personal notes about their own special lady’s is our Beaute team. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did.
“I don’t have enough words to describe how much I love my Mum. Her love is unconditional. She is strong, she is kind, she is patient, and she is supportive – she is everything I hope to be when I become a mother. You often hear that a mother is blessed with their child, but I know that I am blessed to have her as my Mother.
I am yet to be a mother, but the journey into motherhood is in the near future. Finding out who I am going be as a mother is exciting and absolutely terrifying at the same time. A huge step into the unknown. With Mum’s guidance I know that I am ready to take this next step in my life.”
“When I was birthing my babies, little did I know that I was birthing a whole new me. Each experience, completely different from the last and nothing like the expectations I had. Whilst I have not been without challenges along the way, each hurdle has shown me an amazing reward.
My daughter has become a resilient, beautiful, courageous yet caring wild child and my boy is a cuddly, gentle teddy bear. I would trade them off for a weekend alone in a heartbeat, but I would miss them the second they were gone. As tough as this motherhood gig is, I couldn’t imagine my life without them.
My mum is loving, supportive, generous and the most compassionate and empathetic person I have ever known. She is my best friend, my counsellor, my drinking buddy, my now babysitter; my everything. If I could aspire to be like anyone, it would be her. I hope to be half the mother to my children as she was to me.”
“Growing up, all I ever wanted was to be a Mum. I spent my teenage years babysitting for everyone else, dreaming of the family I would one day have of my own. I gave birth to my first baby when I was 21, a beautiful, smiling baby girl and nothing else around me mattered. I finally had my wish; I was a Mum. Two years later, a gorgeous blued-eyed baby boy joined our family, and we thought our lives were complete.
We spent the next few years learning and growing together. Every thought I had about becoming a Mum was true, only better! The hard times were hard, but the good times were amazing. Seeing Christmas, Easter, birthdays through the kids’ eyes again brought back a whole new type of magic I had forgotten about.
Now nearly 11 years later since becoming a Mum for the first time, we are now getting ready for one more little one to join and complete our family. I can’t wait to watch the older kids dote on their new baby brother or sister and for my journey as a Mother to grow yet again.
To my Mum, thank you for teaching me how to be the best Mum I could possibly be and for always being the one I can count on. I know I can call you for anything no matter how good, bad, sad or exciting it is! I love you”.
“I truly believe that there is no other love in this world that truly compares to the love a mother gives you. My Mum’s arms will always be more comforting than anyone else’s.
I know that no matter how many mistakes I make, she will always be there to catch me when I fall and help me put my pieces back together when I feel broken, something that can’t be said for a lot of people.
When I was little, my mum would tell me she was an angel, and that her shoulder blades are where her angel wings are. When I discovered I had shoulder blades too, I remember being so excited… “Mum, I’m an angel like you!”.
Now that I’m older, I still see my Mum as an angel. Not the kind that flies through the sky but as the most powerful guardian angel of them all, to always watch over me and protect me.”
Congratulations to all the Mum’s and Mother figures out there, have a wonderful celebration for Mother’s Day and we hope you feel the love today, every day.