A Very Beaute Christmas
30 November 2021
3 Reasons Why it’s Time To Step Up Your Skincare Routine
9 February 2022For most of us, the last two years (wow, that feels strange just saying it!) of ringing in the New Year haven’t been the joy-filled celebration they once were. Just weeks before we were consumed by a global pandemic, the country was on fire and then shortly after, flooded.
We haven’t had time to catch our breath!
If we reflect back on the journey we’ve all taken over the past year in particular, we’ve gone from taking Instagram snaps of homemade banana bread and sourdough to wanting to throw our mobile phone out the window. If this sounds familiar, you’re certainly not alone in wanting to forget the year that was for more reasons than one.
Like many challenging periods in our lives, there is always an element of positivity we can learn and take with us as we come out the other side. It’s fair to say many of our lives were turned upside down but as we found ourselves back upright again, we took some often confronting and eye-opening lessons with us.
Normally, we’d use this time of year to reflect on all the amazing moments we had in the salon but this time around, we’re taking a different approach and sharing three of the key lessons we learnt during the challenges of 2021; lessons we can hold on to as we move into what will be a *touch wood* more promising and positive one for us all.
To never take connection for granted
I think we can all safely say we’ll never take connections with our friends and family for granted again. As face-to-face social connections disappeared or at the least, drastically changed, it was certainly one of those things you didn’t know how much you loved it until it was gone.
2021 taught us what it feels like to not have those connections whenever we needed them and is certainly something we won’t ever take for granted again.
That our wellbeing comes before anything
For many of us, our wellbeing took a major hit this year; especially anyone that owns a business. Through the challenges of the year that was, a huge lesson we can all move forward with is…. we need to stop putting things before our own health and happiness.
Self-care is not just a buzzword that was thrown around endlessly during this year but a non-negotiable for our wellbeing. Whether it be mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, you name it, prioritising our own wellbeing gives those around us the best of us, not what’s left of us.
It’ll come as no surprise to anyone that the key way we supported our own wellbeing during 2021 was through Reiki. Reiki is linked to supporting both physical and emotional health by improving our mood and sleep, relieving pain, helping your body relax and relieve bouts of stress or anxiety and give you a chance to heal; whatever healing means to you.
If you haven’t experienced Reiki before, we highly encourage you to welcome it into your self-care routine in 2022. Ranging from 15 to 90-minute sessions, our expert Reiki sessions help you to overcome blocks within your life and move forward with peace, balance, and empowerment.
Gratitude is everything
Did you know it’s a proven psychological fact that when we practice gratitude daily, we live happier and more positive lives?
Gratitude allows us to relish in the positives of our lives, regardless of their size. Speaking of size, this year has certainly taught us that being grateful doesn’t always have to surround a major milestone, it can be as little as talking to a friend, the sunshine, a walk through nature or even your favourite song or podcast. Whatever has brought the sunshine to your heart, is something to be grateful for.
Moving forward, gratitude is something we will continue to practice and encourage you to do the same.
A more grateful state of being helps us manage those challenging times and remind us of all of the incredible things around us, even when the days feel heavy.